of the improvements and developments that we are seeing in different
aspects of industries right now, and even in our simple daily routines,
health must be our primary focus. Things cannot be brought to pass
without a sound mind, and a healthy body. Would you believe that there
is only one solution in all the health extremities and complications
that are being reported daily? In fact, if we would trace back the
canonical records, people were able to live not just a hundred years,
but almost a thousand years like Methuselah. The secret is drinking
sufficient amount of water, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
Water is an antidote against sicknesses and even common health concerns.
Instead of going through the pain of taking the most yucky and awful
tasting medicines, by taking in enough water, you’ll free yourself from
headaches, and of course you will have a longer life. You’ll be
dumbfounded as you read the details of these top 10 amazing benefits of drinking water. This might change your eating habits and the way you look at the natural wonders of water.
10. It Protects the Heart
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is the only liquid on earth that can protect the heart since other
liquids like juices, sodas, and other beverages contain fast sugars that
trigger the increase of triglycerides or better known as fats, in an
understandable word. This causes the risk for possible heart attack.
This is where the miracle of water takes place because it maintains the
blood thin that prevents it to cause artery-clogging clots. In fact, by
just taking 5 or more glasses of water, chances of getting heart
diseases also decreases. There are also fruits that contain 90% of water
that also retain fluids in the body such as water melon, cantaloupe,
grapefruit, strawberry, oranges, plums, cherries, etc., As to
vegetables, you could get the same volume of water from green tomatoes,
cucumber, green cabbage, celery, spinach, and others.
9. It Prevents Common Health Problems
of the common health problems that clearly indicate that the person do
not take sufficient amount of water each day are ulcers, heartburn,
gastritis, cramps, flu, sprains, and even indigestion. You might wonder
that all these concerns are not just associated with wrong eating
habits, but because of replacing water with other available liquids that
can be bought easily from stores. The simple explanation of it is that
66% of the human body contains water, and if you are going to check how
much water does organ and other body parts need, here are the details:
Brain – 90% of water
Blood – 83% of water
Muscle – 75% of water
Bone – 22% of water
if you are a kind of person who only takes 2 glasses of water a day.
What could be the impact of it to your brain, blood, muscles, and bones?
8. It Builds Muscles
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it has been explained that muscles are made-up of 75% of water, you may
have to ask how the water builds muscles. If you would ask those people
who have their body toned and even the bodybuilders themselves, they
confessed that they were able to achieve it because of the aid of water.
Of course, to those people who are reading it, there is no magic in
achieving a great body and water is not enough if you don’t partner it
with regular exercises. However, exercises alone are not sufficient if
you don’t drink lots of water because it acts as electrolytes to have
successful sessions whether you are doing lifts and even doing simple
jogging. Water acts lubricants between joints and sufficient amounts of
water will sustain in order to achieve the optimum results that you want
in toning your muscles. Otherwise, it would result to injuries and
muscle strains due to the lack of lubrication that water provides.
7. It Flushes Out Toxins
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the available detoxification products and processes that you can avail
in the market, water is the only pure and effective solution in flushing
out toxins from your body. Because of the food that we partake each
day, our body, especially our kidneys, collect or acts as strainers
against salts and other minerals. Water then dilutes them from our body
in order to avoid the formation of kidney stones that may result to
Urinary Tract Infection, and other illnesses associated with it like
kidney cancers that subject individuals to various and expensive
treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplants. Water is free, and
it’s just a drink away. In addition, one way that it flushes out toxins
in the body is through sweating. The more you drink water, the more your
body has the ability to regulate body functions that increase the
probability of perspiration, especially if your body is active or
6. Best Remedy for Headache
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the brain is made up of 90% water, it only means that you are already
dehydrated if you feel headache or you are suffering from migraines.
Pain relievers or over-the-counter drugs that alleviate pain are not
solutions, but what you need is to take a sufficient amount of water. In
fact, it’s not the painkillers that give a long-term solution, but it
only masks the real root cause. If you are dehydrated, you are stressed,
you cannot focus, you are irritated, and feel fatigued. Just develop a
habit of regularly drinking or sipping a glass of water, and don’t wait
until you feel you are thirsty. If you feel that you are already
thirsty, it’s a sign of dehydration. The best measurement is to drink
water even if you feel that you are not thirsty.
5. Younger Looking Skin
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are much more conscious when it comes to their skin compared to men.
However, both should be conscious about it. You don’t need expensive
anti-aging products in order to achieve younger looking skin or a more
youthful glow. Don’t be carried away by ads that promise that you’ll
achieve it. Dry skin is the result of lack of water and moisturizing it
using the available beauty products in the market that you could apply
on skin is not a good remedy. You would save yourself money and you
would also keep yourself healthy. The water itself acts as a moisturizer
that it even prohibits the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and
even stretch marks. That’s why you also need to develop the habit of
taking a bath regularly, and pamper your body with water to soften the
skin tissues. It purifies and cleanses the skin as we keep the habit of
drinking water regularly.
4. Decreases Level of Stress
it has been explained in number 6, dehydration results to stress. If
you are stressed, it will result to dehydration. Having a bottle of
water with you anywhere you go assures you that can enjoy the day
without any headaches or feeling fatigued. If you are not taking
sufficient amounts of water, our body releases cortisol, which is one of
the stress hormones. Water neutralizes or keeps the level of our body
in a good performance.
3. Serves as an Energy Booster
don’t need to buy energy booster drinks in order to replenish the
fluids that you have used in certain activities for the day. The pattern
and water distribution in the body must be kept and maintained in order
to keep your energy level in a normal pace. In fact, the more that you
do physical activities, the more that your body asks liquids or water.
You can’t get that from sodas and not even vitamins. The average
consumption of water in a day for adults must be 8 to 9 cups, and more
water intake if you are pregnant. You also help your heart not to pump
blood to your body because the water does the whole thing.
2. Body Temperature Regulator

you have observed, whenever you are exposed before the sunny weather or
you are doing exercises, your face normally turns red, it signifies
that there is an increase of blood flow in your veins to the skin that
results to the release of more heat to your surroundings. On the other
hand, if you are in a cold condition, the blood vessels contracts and it
restricts blood flow that results to the conservation of heat energy.
So the temperature of the body will be dependent on the amount of water
you take in, whether the heat energy increases or decreases.
1. Weight Loss
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is the only liquid in the world that has zero calories. Beverages and
other liquid found in bottles and cans are not substitute since they all
contain sugar and sugar converts into fats. In order to achieve the
effect of weight loss is to drink a glass of water before taking a meal.
Moreover, water also breaks down fats that have been formed in the body
or the by-products fats. When you drink water before eating your
regular meal, it acts as suppressant and you’ll feel that you are not
hungry at all, and you tend to eat less. Lastly, it is the number one
booster of metabolism. In one of the studies conducted by the health
experts, if a person consumed 1.5 liter of water, you’ll burn 17,400
calories which is equivalent to 5 pounds.